Will You Take The Pledge?The purpose of The Pledge is to give our community the tools & resources to improve their quality of life. We believe strongly in collaboration, for when we as a community work together towards a common vision, we achieve better results. You can pledge as much time as you like, but it must be free for the community to participate.
Pledges From Our Partners:
Julianna Nelson, pledged 4 hours per month for 3 months, for 1:1 Resume Building Mentorship Sessions. I will host weekly 1-hour sessions to help create and/or review resumes. All sessions will be facilitated via Zoom. Our organization, Sustainable Three, pledged to contribute to the wellness or our community through education, support, and volunteerism. We will teach mindful sustainability and wellness courses to all ages, as well as speak to groups. Denver Digital Agency, pledged 4 months of Marketing and SEO education. We learned how to build your presence online.
We are looking for pledges supporting Healthy Denver Inc.’s Five Pillars:
Health & Wellness Pledge Examples
Food & Nutrition Pledge Examples
Sports & Recreation Pledge Examples
Kids Corner Pledge Examples
Music & Art Pledge Examples
- Art, Music, Dance, Theater, Poetry etc. Classes
- Collaborations for Education & Activism
- Donating your Creativity for Fundraising Events
If you don’t have the time to pledge a service, consider pledging a financial donation that will create the sustainable funding needed to create greater health equity in our community!